German Contract Law Good Faith

German Contract Law and the Principle of Good Faith

German contract law is based on the principle of good faith, or “Treu und Glauben” in German. This principle requires that all parties to a contract act honestly and fairly towards each other. The principle of good faith is fundamental to the German legal system and is considered a cornerstone of the law of contracts.

What is the Principle of Good Faith?

The principle of good faith requires that parties to a contract act reasonably, honestly, and fairly towards each other. It is an unwritten principle of law that applies to all contracts, whether they are oral or in writing. The principle of good faith requires that parties to a contract not act in bad faith, deceive each other, or withhold relevant information.

The principle of good faith also requires that parties to a contract act in accordance with the reasonable expectations of the other party. This means that if one party has a particular expectation regarding the performance of the contract, the other party must act in a way that is consistent with that expectation.

Why is the Principle of Good Faith Important in German Contract Law?

The principle of good faith is important in German contract law for several reasons. First, it helps to ensure that contracts are fair and that all parties are treated equally. This is particularly important in business transactions, where there is often a power imbalance between the parties.

Second, the principle of good faith helps to ensure that contracts are executed in a timely and efficient manner. If one party acts in bad faith, breaches the contract, or fails to disclose relevant information, this can delay or even prevent the performance of the contract.

Finally, the principle of good faith helps to build trust between the parties to a contract. If parties act in good faith towards each other, they are more likely to work together again in the future.

How is the Principle of Good Faith Applied in German Contract Law?

The principle of good faith is applied in a variety of ways in German contract law. For example, if one party breaches the contract, the other party may be entitled to damages. However, if the party who breached the contract acted in good faith, the damages may be reduced or even waived altogether.

Similarly, if one party fails to disclose relevant information or acts in bad faith during contract negotiations, the other party may be entitled to rescind the contract. Rescission is a legal remedy that allows the injured party to cancel the contract and seek damages.


The principle of good faith is a fundamental principle of German contract law. It requires that parties to a contract act reasonably, honestly, and fairly towards each other. The principle of good faith helps to ensure that contracts are fair and that all parties are treated equally. It also helps to ensure that contracts are executed in a timely and efficient manner and helps to build trust between the parties. If you are entering into a contract in Germany, it is important to understand the principle of good faith and how it applies to your contract.

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